We Provide Peace of Mind!

Padgett Business Services
of Ajax-Pickering

Tax Filing Dates

January 2011
17th - Payroll Remittance is due
23rd - PST Payment is due
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

February 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
28th - HST, WSIB, & EHT payment due, Corporate tax installments
28th - T4,T5 (interest, dividends) slips and returns filing deadline

March 2011
15th - Quarterly installment due if you pay taxes to CRA by installments
15th - Payroll remittance due
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments
31st - T3 Trust returns, Estate returns, slips and taxes payable due, WSIB annual returns

April 2011
15th - U.S. personal income tax returns and taxes payable due
15th - Payroll remittance due
30th - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments
30th - CRA 2010 personal income tax filing deadline.
30th - Payment to CRA of your balance owing for 2010 personal income tax is due April 30, 2011 for all personal income tax filers including self-employed.
30th - HST on self-employment, taxes payable due

May 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
30th - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

June 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
15th - CRA 2010 personal income tax return deadline for self-employed persons. Any balance owing must be paid by April 30, 2011.
15th - If your spouse or common-law partner is self-employed, your tax return must be filed by June 15th. However, if a balance is owed from the previous year, it must be paid by April 30th.
15th - Quarterly installment due if you pay taxes to CRA by installments
30th - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

July 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

August 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

September 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
15th - Quarterly installment due if you pay taxes to CRA by installments
30th - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

October 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

November 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
30th - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments

December 2011
15th - Payroll Remittance is due
15th - Quarterly installment due if you pay taxes to CRA by installments
31st - HST, WSIB, & EHT Payment is due, Corporate tax installments
31st -Trigger capital gains & losses, tax shelters, donations

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