of Outsourcing Payroll
can be a big hassle to even the most experienced small business
owner. Stop to consider the penalties one faces for missing tax
payment, and all of a sudden the hassle has turned
into a nightmare! An enormous number of employers have been charged
monetary penalties for payroll mistakes, with fines totaling tens
of millions of dollars.
the majority of small business owners, payroll services offer
an attractive alternative to internal processing. Take a second
to consider the following advantages that accompany outsourcing:
- Expert
knowledge of payroll and payroll systems.
- The
ability to accurately budget with fixed payroll costs.
- The
elimination of computer hardware costs and computer upgrades.
- The
ability to handle workload peaks, illness or unexpected changes
in qualified staff.
- The
assurance that payroll records are accurate, reconciled and
structured so that all audit requirements are met.
Business Services is proud to offer payroll processing through
our affiliate Paytrak Payroll Services. We want to take care of
your payroll hassle so you can focus your time on growing your
business. Please contact us for more information
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